Reflecting on Israel-Gaza at One Year: Perspectives from the three Abrahamic Faiths. RSVP

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Each quarter, Members of Congress and their spouses meet for breakfast in the Capitol for an interactive discussion with a top Christian thought leader. These sessions are intended to equip Members of Congress and spouses with a broad, theologically informed context for understanding the times in which they live, building an integrated Christian worldview that informs and impacts the work they do in the public square, as well as provide the opportunity for encouragement and fellowship-building amongst like-minded Members of Congress and families. Some of the past speakers include Os Guinness, Russell Moore, Gary Haugen, and Ed Meese.

Last Chance Republic
Os Guinness portrait photo

Members of Congress

Last Chance Republic Why the Next Four Years will be Momentous for the US, Whoever Wins the Election

Dr. Os Guinness

Faith and Law was a bright spot in the dark hours on Capitol Hill. 20 years later, the relationships I built then are still vibrant and a source of light!
Former Leadership Chief of Staff
F&L provides the Biblical perspective on a myriad of current policies that every Christian should strive to gain knowledge of as a staff on Capitol Hill.
Hill Staffer
F&L has been the catalyst for many friendships on the Hill, something the importance of which is often understated [...] F&L is one of the few places that the dehumanizing grind of networking and coffees gets replaced with something more humane.
Hill Staffer