Reflecting on Israel-Gaza at One Year: Perspectives from the three Abrahamic Faiths. RSVP

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Integrating Faith and a Vocation in Public Policy

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Intellectually Rigorous, Theologically Faithful

We are a community of congressional staffers and Members of Congress that meet regularly to think deeply about how our faith informs and impacts our calling to the public square.

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F&L has facilitated my ability to create a network of like minded believers who can serve as a sounding board for ideas and can help move those ideas forward. F&L is not just a place to go hear lectures (and get free food) and learn about an issue; it's also a place to meet people with whom you can work cooperatively toward common goals.
Agency Staffer
Thanks, finally, for all you all do at Faith & Law. Beyond the thought-provoking content you all provide to staffers and beyond, it’s the hospitality that lends your community power.
Anne Snyder Editor-in-Chief, Comment Magazine
Faith and Law was a bright spot in the dark hours on Capitol Hill. 20 years later, the relationships I built then are still vibrant and a source of light!
Former Leadership Chief of Staff