Reflecting on Israel-Gaza at One Year: Perspectives from the three Abrahamic Faiths. RSVP

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Reading Groups

Senate Reading Group: Christian Politics and Kichijiro

Dirksen Cafe

What should Christians desire from politics? What kind of a politics and culture serve the advance of the gospel? This month, we’ll read two complementary (or perhaps contradictory) essays on the matter.

Email John Shelton ( if you plan to attend and let him know if you need a vegetarian option or some other kind of accommodation, and don’t forget to bring your own drink.

We learn of the growing desire for a Christian `party', a Christian `front', or a Christian `platform' in politics. Nothing is so earnestly to be wished as a real assault by Christianity on the politics of the world: nothing, at first sight, so fitted to deliver this assault as a Christian Party. But it is odd that certain difficulties in this programme should be already neglected while the printer's ink is hardly dry…” – C. S. Lewis, “Meditation on the Third Commandment”

“A culture in which Christianity is socially acceptable means that the ethical norms and laws that Christ gives us are upheld by those who don’t fully believe in them, which means that more people can flourish.” – Matthew Loftus, “Kichijiro was Right”