Friday Forum with Joe Capizzi. RSVP

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In Partnership with The Center for Christianity & Public Life

For the Good of the Public

Capital Turnaround

As our nation prepares for the next presidential campaign, we will gather in the Fall of 2023 to consider together, and share with the public, a positive and hopeful vision for Christian contribution to our politics and public life.

For the Good of the Public offers an annual opportunity to chart the course for the future of faith and American public life, and invites the American public and civic leaders to the conversation.

This Summit, hosted by The Center for Christianity & Public Life will send a clear message: Christians will no longer be mindlessly drafted into the political sectarianism that rewards contempt, fear, and calloused anger. Instead, we will gather with joyful confidence in what we have to offer in loving service to our neighbors.

Use code "FaithandLaw" for 20% off tickets for the Summit.

What you can expect:

When you attend For the Good of the Public, you’ll take part in a national conversation about the future of faith and American life that needs your voice. While other convenings are designed to exacerbate polarization, For the Good of the Public is about reaching out and aiming high.

Our Summit will lift up diverse contributions from public officials, academics, artists, church leaders and others. Our partnership program highlights, unifies and supports a coalition of leaders and organizations who believe Christian resources are for the good of the public.