Friday Forum with Joe Capizzi. RSVP

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Hill Ministries Lunch

Finding Genuine Love and Marriage on Capitol Hill

300 Independence Ave, SE

Many who work on Capitol Hill see it not only as their workplace but also their community and social network.

Lifelong friendships and marriages are often started and formed while working here.

Those involved in personal ministry on the Hill have no doubt seen first hand how the Lord uses this workplace to further his kingdom and fashion these lifelong relationships.

It only takes a moment to think about all of the marriages that got their start while working on or around Capitol Hill.

We are happy to have Taylor and Rachel Barkley as our guests to the next Hill Ministries lunch. Capitol Hill had a great deal to do with their relationship and eventually marriage.

Rachel, a Hill staffer, and Taylor, whose work connected him to the Capitol, met and fell in love while working here.

Their relationship typifies many others who have met in the same way. Yet, their story is also unique. They have had more than their fair share of challenges which they have faced together. Theirs is a story of God’s love and mercy.

What do we say when asked by someone we are ministering to about finding a marriage partner. And how do we walk with a couple in helping them have the depth of relationship and friendship the Lord intends.

Join us as we listen to Rachel and Taylor share about their relationship and journey together in this most unique workplace.

See also: Finding the Love of Your Life on the Hill

Please RSVP to Nicole White at