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Reading Groups

February Senate Reading Group: Follow-up discussion on James Forsyth’s lecture, “The Pitfalls of a Political Faith.”

Dirksen Senate Office Building G-02
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The Senate Reading Group will meet on February 7 for a follow-up discussion on James Forsyth’s lecture, “The Pitfalls of a Political Faith.” Lunch is provided, but please bring your own drink. Feel free to invite a friend or your colleagues! Below are some related articles to spur further discussion. Do not feel like you must read all the articles or watch the debate to come to the discussion.

· How Do Christians Fit Into the Two-Party System? They Don’t, by Tim Keller.

· The Church at Election Time, by Kevin DeYoung.

· How Shall We Engage Politically? A Response to Tim Keller and Kevin DeYoung, by David Closson.

· Ideology Matters: Tim Keller and Politics, by Daniel Strand.