Reflecting on Israel-Gaza at One Year: Perspectives from the three Abrahamic Faiths. RSVP

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2023 Annual Leadership Conference


Faith and Law is hosting our 2023 Annual Leadership Conference from October 27-29, 2023 at the Airlie Hotel and Conference Center (6809 Airlie Rd, Warrenton, VA 20187), located around 50 miles west of Capitol Hill.

This conference is intended for current Hill staff, Faith and Law alumni, and others working in policy. Spouses are invited and it is our desire for them to fully participate in all aspects of the weekend. Staffers who attended past conferences still talk about the lifelong friendships formed, legislative collaboration that followed, and the impact it had on their spouses' understanding of their unique role in the call to Capitol Hill.

As a guest, Faith and Law will provide attendees with accommodations, meals, and a standard mileage reimbursement for your personal vehicle. Visit our House and Senate Guidelines page for instructions and links to the forms needed to receive pre-authorization from the Senate/House Committee on Ethics. Documentation must be submitted to Ethics no later than September 27, 2023 - at least 30 days before the start of the conference.

This year's conference theme will be "Reflections on Faithful Leadership for Personal, Professional, and Political Life" and will feature the following keynote speakers:

  • The Honorable Dan Coats, Director of National Intelligence (2017-2019), Ambassador to Germany (2001-2005), Congressman (1981-1989), and Senator (1989-1999; 2011-2017).
  • Dr. Gayle Beebe, President of Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California.
  • Professor Lucila Crena, faculty member of the Leadership, Theology, and Society program at Regent College and PhD candidate at the Religious Studies department at the University of Virginia.

    Click here for the conference schedule.

    For additional questions please contact