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Caring for Creation as a Matter of Life: Christian Environmental Stewardship

310 Cannon House Office Building

Genesis 1:26 reveals that God made humankind in His image and reflecting His nature for an awesome assignment: to rule responsibly over all He has made. Being good stewards of God’s creation is both a biblical mandate and the historical legacy of the Christian church. In this lecture, Rev. Dr. Jessica Moerman will present on how Christian environmental stewardship is at its heart a discipleship issue, part of our Christian witness, and a matter of defending the life and health of the most vulnerable, especially our children both born and unborn. Dr. Moerman will address the debate over the causes of climate change and the role of human activity on today’s global warming.

The Rev. Dr. Jessica Moerman is a climate scientist, pastor, educator, and advocate. She is President and CEO of the Evangelical Environmental Network, Co-founding Pastor of Grace Capital City church located in Washington, DC, and serves on the Board of the National Association of Evangelicals. Jessica received her Ph.D. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences from the Georgia Institute of Technology and has held research positions at John Hopkins University, University of Michigan, and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, where she researched how climate has changed throughout Earth’s history. Prior to joining EEN, Jessica was a AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow at the U.S. Department of Energy.

Jessica has appeared on the NBC TODAY Show, Good Morning America, Christian Broadcasting Network, Newsmax, Christianity Today, CNN, the Washington Post, and nationally syndicated Christian and secular radio talk shows speaking on issues related to climate change, pollution, children’s health, the clean energy transition, environmental stewardship, and the intersection of science and faith. Jessica is passionate about leading church communities towards positive solutions to safeguard our cities, neighborhoods, and the next generation from the effects of a warming world and life-threatening pollution.

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