Reflecting on Israel-Gaza at One Year: Perspectives from the three Abrahamic Faiths. RSVP

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Leadership for Tough Times: Moving Forward with Conviction and Grace

Each year, Faith and Law hosts a leadership conference for congressional staff. This year's conference will be a one-day event held on Capitol Hill on Friday, October 4, 2024, from 8:30-5:00 pm on Capitol Hill.

Titled "Leadership for Tough Times: Moving Forward with Conviction and Grace," the 2024 conference features outstanding speakers who will address key policy issues ranging from religious freedom to bioethics, and from constitutional unity to persuasion and power. Specific times for networking also will be scheduled.

Sessions will include:

  • America at 250 years: Understanding the Role of Religion Then and Now
    Mark David Hall, professor at Regent University
  • Thinking Biblically about Bioethics: A Conversation about IVF
    Elaine Petty, associate faculty at Georgetown University
    William Hurlbut, M.D., physician and consulting professor at the Stanford Medical Center, Stanford University
    Charmaine Yoest, Executive Director, House Values Action Team
  • Finding Unity, Constitutionally Speaking
    Yuval Levin, Director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies, American Enterprise Institute
  • The Bully Pulpit: Godly Use of Persuasion and Power
    Luke Winslow, associate professor of rhetorical studies, Baylor University
  • Surviving Transition: Standing on the Solid Rock
    Staff Conversation with AT Johnston, Director of the Congressional Excellence Program Office for the U.S. House of Representatives

This event is by invitation only.

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Senior Staff Reading Group

Reading Groups

Senior Staff Reading Group Just War Theory and the Gaza conflict

Dr. Eric Patterson

F&L provides the Biblical perspective on a myriad of current policies that every Christian should strive to gain knowledge of as a staff on Capitol Hill.
Hill Staffer
Thank you for providing a platform for us to share our faith. I believe in you all so much!
Hill Staffer
Faith and Law was a bright spot in the dark hours on Capitol Hill. 20 years later, the relationships I built then are still vibrant and a source of light!
Former Leadership Chief of Staff