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Hill Ministries Lunch

Capitol Hill Churches: A Vital Role in Ministering to Staff and Members

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Please join us for a conversation with Zack Randles to discuss the unique role of churches located in proximity to the nation's capital.

Zack is the Lead Pastor of Waterfront Church located just blocks from the U.S. Capitol. His story and that of the church started with God’s leading, although he had never even visited Washington, DC. However, God was clear in His guidance to pursue ministry opportunities in our nation's capital. That was seven years ago when he and his wife Autumn set off from Texas on an amazing adventure to start Waterfront Church. The Randles have 4 kids (Lulu, Jack, Harper and Baby Zeke).

This vision and proximity allow Zack, Waterfront Church, and many similarly situated churches around Capitol Hill, an opportunity serve staff and members. This includes, of course, their regular services and worship at the church, but possibly more important is the role they play in the daily spiritual nourishment and loving support they provide the Hill community.

Zach will help us better understand this role and how we can partner together to meet the needs of those whom God has put in our path on Capitol Hill.